Top 10 Benefits of Calming Music Part 2

Top 10 Benefits of Calming Music Part 2

Continuing on from Part 1, let us explore the second half of the top ten benefits of calming music.

6. Pleasant to the ear: as well as being associated with the holistic “mind, body and soul” concept, calming music is actually really nice to listen to.  Obviously different people like different genres of music, but Calming Music has more than its fair share of fans !

7. Meditation: Meditation is a well-known technique used for relaxation and some people find it easier using meditation music.  Focusing on the music can aid and allow the listener to block out unwanted thoughts and clear the mind.  Guided meditation sessions – where someone provides instructions and verbal help with meditation – often include the use of calming music.  The benefits of meditation have been known and practiced for centuries – calming the mind, calming the body, relaxing, refreshing and rejuvenating the whole person.relax_sunlight

8. Yoga: Most people know that yoga in another tool or activity that can help with gaining peace and serenity within one’s body and mind.  As with meditation, yoga is often performed in combination with calming music.  The relaxing sounds of the music can help the listener with their concentration on their physical movements and poses as well as emptying their minds.  Tai Chi is similar in that it is the combination of both the movements and slow, relaxing music that can produce a better outcome for the people involved.

9. No age barrier: The benefits of taking time out to listen to calming music can be experienced by people of all ages, from babies to the elderly.  Many expectant mothers deliberately play their unborn babies slow music, partly to help the baby but also to help themselves and their bodies relax.  Primary school teachers use relaxation music in their classrooms to help calm their students.  High school students use classical or calming music as a study aid and to help calm their nerves before exams.  Adults of all ages use music to take time out from their busy worlds and to help turn off their minds from their daily stresses.  Hospitals use music to calm their patients (and their families and visitors) who are often in stressful situations.  Retirement homes find that calming music can help to put everyone’s mind at ease, to make everyone simply feel happy and relaxed.

10. A Zone of Peace: Calming music is not only good in special circumstances; even if you are not doing meditation or yoga, you can use it to create a zone of peace in your life.  Everyone needs a zone of peace – calming music can provide you with peace and serenity in your life.  It can create a comfort zone in your life where you would enter and stay relaxed for as long as you want.

Calming music is being used as a therapeutic tool to fight against anger, depression and stress all over the world.  Music can influence a person’s mood, emotional, physical and mental state.  In exactly the same way that Rap music and Heavy Metal music can often be seen as promoting the feeling of anger and aggression, calming music can help the mind and body to focus on peace and serenity.  So if you are stressed or depressed, upset, uptight or tense, and you want some peace and relaxation in your life, listening to calming music can be a very good idea indeed.

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