Video 8 Ways Music Can Help You To Calm Down Part 2
Video – 8 Ways Music Can Help You To Calm Down and Fire Up – Part 2. Continued from Part 1 Part 2 of our video series continues on from where Part 1 left off. Sitting by the river in Jamieson, surrounded by the sounds of the Australian bush, I continue with my discussion about…
Video 8 Ways Music Can Help You To Calm Down Part 1
Video – 8 Ways Music Can Help You To Calm Down and Fire Up – Part 1. Recently I was away from my home in Melbourne, Australia, and visiting a little town known as Jamieson. I have mentioned Jamieson before in other posts – it is very peaceful, very soothing and I simply love it…
Podcast Waves clouds and all that Jazz
Podcast – Waves clouds and all that Jazz. Welcome to Episode 5 of our Calming Music Weekly Podcast series. In this episode we discuss the relationship the ancient Inuit (Eskimo) people had with their music and their deliberate attempts at relaxation and meditation, in what must have been a very stressful and harsh existence. Click…
New Age Relaxing Music for NO STRESS and detox
New Age Relaxing Music for NO STRESS and detox. A strange name for a calming music video….. In fact, there is no video at all – it’s just the static picture of the happy lady in the green hat. However, the background calming music is very relaxing and extremely soothing. Click the PLAY icon in the middle…
Nice Non-Denominational Holiday
I’m Dreaming of a Nice Non-Denominational Holiday A few nights ago I was at a local Amateur Theatre – Nuworks – which my oldest daughter has been involved with. She was in a recent show that was put on by Nuworks and with any luck she will be involved in more productions next year. They…
The Art Of Stillness
The Art Of Stillness is a very inspiring place to hang out. Full of interesting and thought provoking speakers, there is something for everyone to learn from. In this TED Talk, Pico Iyer discusses serveral of the ideas mentioned here at Calming Music Weekly. He talks about the concepts of being still, of taking the…
Less Holiday Stress More Holiday Turkey

Less Holiday Stress, More Holiday Turkey. It’s that time of year again… you can feel it in the air, on the street, in the car, on the road and certainly in the shopping centres and malls. “Making a List” – yep, done. Frantically rush to finish the multiple projects at work that absolutely MUST BE…
Interview with Steve Rees
Interview with Steve Rees Every now and then I am fortunate enough to hear some music and say, “Wow ! Who is THAT !!” And I need to find out more about this person, if only to hear some more of their music. Steve Rees is one such musician. His calming harp is soothing, inspiring and…
Blogging for Fun or Profit

Blogging for Fun or Profit It is a curious thing, this blogging caper. Writing about stuff, recording audios, recording videos, sharing posts on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube – trying to get your voice heard above the noise. These days, every man and his dog has a blog. Even cats have blogs. Some blogs are gems, most…
Calming Music for Anxiety
Calming Music for Anxiety, Panic and Stress Soundcloud is a wonderful place. Soundcloud, in my opinion is to audio as Youtube is to video. The other day I was just having a play with Soundcloud and I made what I suspect will be a very relaxing and calming discovery. Jon Brooks appears to be a musician…