New Beginnings
The year is well underway.
New habits have been in place for a while now.
Old habits may have crept back into the mix of your daily reality.
How are your “New Year’s Resolutions” holding out ?
This year, for me, is a year of change.
My daughters have changed school. They have begun new extracurricular activities such as dancing and drama, orchestra and choir, singing and sports. This means that I am in the car more often, driving them to where they need to go – which is actually something that I enjoy. My wife is taking on a more active role in looking after her aging father. I will most likely change jobs. I have consciously started a regular 6 day a week exercise program each morning.
I am also moving towards making more of my income online, rather than working in a “job”.
I have been dabbling in websites and online ventures for several years – I’ve had a few minor successes and a few failures. All of these have taken up a large amount of time.
This year, however, is different.
I am actively going out of my way to learn, implement and (probably more importantly) to take action on what I have learnt.
I have found some amazing resources and teachers and mentors in my quest for knowledge about how businesses on the internet work.
Ed Dale, Jon Morrow from Boost Blog Traffic, Natalie Sisson from The Suitcase Entrepreneur and Kevin Duncan from Be A Better Blogger are particularly inspiring in so far as establishing and scaling online businesses based around selling your own products and services.
Jamie Buckley, author from Wanted Hero, and Jennifer from The Deliberate Mom have been most helpful in sharing their knowledge. I am grateful and thankful for the positive vibes and encouragement that Jamie and Jennifer have been sending me.
I have met online some amazing musicians, particularly in the calming music genre. Steve Rees, John Barnard, Richard Goldsworthy and Jeff Gold have all been helpful and generous with their time and their music.
These amazing people have opened my eyes to what is possible.
Their communities of readers have also opened some new doors on ideas and concepts that I was previously unaware of.
I realize now that what I have been doing over the last few years is trying to reinvent the wheel.
I realize now that there is no need to do this.
By listening to and learning from the people I have mentioned above, I am 100% convinced that I can become the entrepreneur that I wish to become.
I can see that working for myself and not having to rely on The Man will improve my happiness, my sense of self-worth, my well-being. It will reduce my current stresses and allow me to explore in depth my creative side – particularly around my musical endeavours, calming music and otherwise.
It will allow me to help others – including myself, my family, my friends and thousands of people all over the world – to move forward in their lives.
I can see that it is hard work. I know that it will take time.
I am under no delusion that it will be easy.
Am I there yet ? Nope.
Will I get there ? Yes. Most definitely.
So, if I had a glass in my hand instead of a computer keyboard, I would raise it and make a toast to New Beginnings.
P.S. I need your help !!!
Are you a musician who specializes in ” calming music ” ?
Please visit our Musicians Wanted page.
Are you a writer or practitioner in the fields of ” reducing stress ” or ” Health and Wellness ” ?
Please visit our Write For Us page.

And, as always, please share this article or any other articles within the pages of this calming music blog by clicking on the sharing icons to the left of this page 🙂
Photo Credits - faungg , Marie-Chantale Turgeon
Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom
May 5, 2015It sounds like so many positive things are happening for you right now Matthew! What an exciting time for you and for your website.
Thank you for the kind words as well. I’m glad what I’ve offered has been of some help and inspiration to you.
Cheering you on!
Wishing you a lovely day.
May 5, 2015Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for your belief in your online community and your obvious caring for those within it. You have helped in more ways than you will know.
Your smiling gravitar inspires many people, including me.
Thanks for the cheering (but, **gosh**, I’m so embarrassed by the fuss) !!
P.S. Yes, many positives happening at the moment, but many challenges as well. Please don’t mention the website… the technical challenges I’ve faced this week mean that my website and I aren’t getting on as well as I would like. I will forgive it soon, as soon as it remembers that I am its boss and not the other way around.
Jaime Buckley
May 7, 2015Wow, Matthew–sounds like you’ve found the Yellow Brick Road….or at least a path to some far off land where you can achieve your hopes, dreams….and maybe some ice cream for your addiction.
(We can always send you some ice cream if the place turns out to be a low-fat environment…)
Thanks for the shout out, really appreciate it. Not sure what I do really…just think you’ve one of the great personalities on the web, so i like hanging out and chatting with you, that’s all =)
Crud, if ya get something from our interactions (other than bored) I’m spiffy.
Personally, I think you’ll achieve all you’re shooting for. Personalities like you aren’t common, Matthew.
Not…that I’m calling you a freak…or anything like that (like I’m one to talk, anyway). I’m sayin’ yer a one of a kind. It’s nice to hang out with a comical personality with a quick mind behind it.
Don’t know about the rest of the world, but that’s gold in MY book (…and I’ve written a FEW of those, too, so I KNOW what I’m talkin’ about!).
So You Officially Rock, Matthew.
Tell yer family, tell yer friends….I’ll back ya.
– Jaime
May 8, 2015Awww, now I’m really blushing.
Thank you Jamie for your exceptionally kind words.
Yes, please feel spiffy. Thank you for noting my Personality, but please also be aware that my exceptional good looks and excellent personal hygiene have been known to cause havoc on more than one occasion.
Reading some of the extremely helpful and insightful comments you have left on at least a million blogs all over the world and cyber space have caused me to pause, think and then laugh out loud and choke on my ice cream.
mmmmm…. ice cream…..
Thanks Jamie 🙂