Relaxation suggestions from Calming Music Weekly
Benefits of Calming Music Part 2 Continued from Part 1. The Benefits of Calming Music include: 6. Pleasant to the ear: as well as being associated with the holistic “mind, body and soul” concept, calming music is actually really nice to listen to. Obviously different people like different genres of music, but Calming Music…
For the uninitiated, TED is a website and movement that has videos of inspirational people, teachers, leaders and thoughtful individuals. These very intelligent people get up onto stages all over the world and give amazing talks. Here is one such talk at a TED conference that I thought I should share as it is very…
Benefits of Calming Music It has been known for a long time – perhaps hundreds and hundreds of years – that music has healing qualities. “Music soothes the soul” (Anon), “Music calms the savage beast” (Anon), “Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” (Confucius), “Music can change the world because…
Audio – Relax in 15 Minutes with Calming Music Here is another podcast in our relaxation suggestion series. Some simple suggestions regarding scheduling in some “down time” for you and your sanity. Click the PLAY button to listen. Please share this audio by clicking on the social sharing icons to the left 🙂 If…
Be Still, Just for A Moment. In my quest to learn more about many things – blogging, calmness, wellbeing, self awareness and perhaps just a little bit of navel gazing – I came across a blog that has escaped my attention…. until now. I suspect I will be reading (and possibly sharing) several posts from…
Video Relax In Just 15 Minutes In the busy, fast paced, always on world we live in there is never enough time and far too much pressure. In this video we shall explore the idea of deliberately and conciously taking time out for yourself. Just 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes again in…
Audio – What Is Calming Music ? In this episode of our new podcast, we explore what is calming music, where and when is it used, and the benefits of calming music. Click the PLAY button to listen. I hope you enjoy it and please feel free to share 🙂 Thanks, Matthew…
Relax In Just 15 Minutes Part 2 ( 30 minutes a day – 15 minutes at each end ) Continued from Part 1. The health benefits of meditation have been known for centuries. By calming down, concentrating on their breathing and focussing the mind as well as the body, practitioners have known that this helps…
Relax In Just 15 Minutes Part 1 In this busy, fast paced, always on world we live in there is never enough time and far too much pressure. We are always rushing – to work, to school to drop off / pick up the kids, to the train / bus, to the shops because we’ve…
Video – What Is Calming Music ? This video explores the question – What is Calming Music ? Calming Music is different things to different people. However, usually it is slow, relaxing music with beautiful chords and simple melodies. Calming music can be used in relaxation situations such as meditation, resting, helping the listener get…
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