How Can We Help You
How Can We Help You ? We here at Calming Music weekly enjoy music of all kinds. However, we recognise that in this rediculously busy always-on-and-connected world we live in there is never enough time. Never enough time to do what we need to do, what we should do, and what we want to do….…
Making Mindfulness Work At Work
Making Mindfulness Work At Work The other day, while poking around on the main Melbourne newspaper website, I came across this article: It gives some realistic suggestions about the benefits of being calm, mindful, at peace and in tune with yourself. Quote ” While there is no mindfulness pill, potion, bottle or lotion (note to…
Relaxing Anti Stress Music
I found this beautiful and relaxing anti stress music and I just had to share it. Enjoy ! Thanks, Matthew.
Top 10 Benefits of Calming Music Part 2
Top 10 Benefits of Calming Music Part 2 Continuing on from Part 1, let us explore the second half of the top ten benefits of calming music. 6. Pleasant to the ear: as well as being associated with the holistic “mind, body and soul” concept, calming music is actually really nice to listen to. Obviously…
Top 10 Benefits of Calming Music Part 1

Top 10 Benefits of Calming Music Part 1 In this two part blog post, I would like to explore the top 10 Benefits of Calming Music. It has been known for a long time – perhaps hundreds and hundreds of years – that music has healing qualities. “Music soothes the soul” (Anon), “Music calms the…
Calming Music Images
What are your favourite Calming Music images ? Here are a selection of ours…. …
Free Calming Music Walking In Wonder
Here is a sample of one of the many calming music songs in our members area. Song Title – “Walking In Wonder”. Click the Play button to listen.
Hit the recharge button
I found an article on The Age newspaper website (Melbourne news site) explains quite nicely the benefits of meditation and relaxation in todays fast paced 24×7 world.Check it out here: I thought readers of this blog might enjoy it. 🙂
Why Calming Music
Why Calming Music ? We here at Calming Music Weekly really enjoy listening to music of all kinds. We are very aware of the hectic rush of todays busy world. We love composing, recording, playing our instruments and the entire creation process. We are proud of our music and recognise that not everyone enjoys all…
Free Calming Music Sunrise By The Sea
Here is a sample of one of the many calming music songs in our members area. Song Title – “Sunrise By The Sea”. Click the Play button to listen.